


Abimbola NurudeenGbolahanAdeshina (Ph.D)1, Bello Asma’u2and Joshua Jacob3

Abstract Among all approaches aimed at reducing poor mathematics achievement, adoption of appropriate methods of teaching appears to be more rewarding. However, in all the methods, the importance of teaching materials can never be over – emphasized. In this study, improvisation of instructional materials was used as a tool to ascertain students’ achievement in mathematics in secondary schools. The study adopted experimental design. Two research questions were asked while two hypotheses were formulated. The design involved students from senior secondary classes III. The study made use of experimental group and the control group. The experimental group was taught with instructional materials while the control group was taught without instructional materials. The instrument for data collection was an achievement test which comprised a 20 item multiple choice questions developed by the researcher and based on the selected contents of senior secondary mathematics curriculum which proved challenging for the students over the years. A t-test statistical analysis revealed that there is no significant difference in the pre-test administered to the two groups. It revealed that there is a significant difference in the post – test administered to the two groups. In the pre-test, the mean and standard deviation of the control group and the experimental group are 36.6, 38 and 12.5, 20.39. T-tab gives 1.67and|?????|????? 0.32. Since T-tab is greater than |?????|, the null hypothesis is accepted and we conclude that there is no significant difference between the two groups at the pre-test. in the post test, the mean and standard deviation of the control group and the experimental group are 37, 58.03 and 19.48, 15.04 respectively. T-tab is 1.67 and |?????|?? 4.68. T-tab is less than|?????|, hence, the null hypothesis is rejected and we conclude that there is a significant difference between the two groups in the post test. The study found that students taught with improvised instructional materials performed better in mathematics. Recommendations such as encouraging mathematics teachers to use improvised instructional materials in their mathematics classroom were made among others. Keywords : Senior Secondary School, Achievement, Improvised instructional materials.